When Harry Roberts, our managing director at My Favourite Cottages bought a traditional farmhouse and relocated his family to Devon. He felt that he should maximise his investment by converting an old barn and letting it as a holiday cottage. As an ex-London Ad man, Harry is an experienced marketeer but he hadn’t had an experience renting a holiday cottage before yet he felt surely ‘it’s not rocket science’.
At this stage, Harry was still working in advertising but after his successful experience converting the barn and the marketing of it, he felt that he found a different way of doing things so left his well-paid job to start My Favourite Cottages.
In just six years, My Favourite Cottages has now grown to managing over 80 self-catering properties. Everything that Harry experienced with his own barn conversion continues to be relevant today. The agency’s key premise is that any successful marketing is based on four basic factors - Product, Price, Place and Promotion (McCarthy’s 4 P’s).
Although, the product (the property) and the place (location) is often a given, how you renovate, furnish and present your property will affect its price and how you should promote your property.
Like most things in life, if you do something well it will probably work, and the same is true for renting a holiday cottage. Getting the basics right at the beginning will not only get you the bookings, it will save you a lot of grief later.
The basis of growth for My Favourite Cottages has predominately been from the referral from many of our existing clients, which hopefully means we are good at what we do but just as important is that we are nice people and we put you, the owner first and try and make your life a bit easier.
Would you like to understand more about these four basic marketing principles, which can be applied to help maximise the bookings for your holiday letting?
Simply, get in touch here and we’ll email you our first FREE guide that explains in further detail how understanding these 4 marketing principles can help maximise your letting potential. Alternatively, get in touch with Harry by calling 01271 377 4332 or via email harry@myfavouritecottages.co.uk